Whether novice or Olympian, everyone’s welcome

Splish splash…

Northern Wave is a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender swimming club based in Manchester. Most of our members are LGBT+ but we do welcome friends of our community.

All our sessions are delivered by our Head Coach, Edwin, however, he is supported by several Assistant Coaches who can deliver a taught set. Alongside this, there is the option to swim in our non-coached lane at whatever pace you feel comfortable with.

All you need for your first session is your swimwear, a towel, a pair of goggles, and water - to drink. On your first visit, please try to arrive a few minutes before the session starts. This is so that there is time to complete a brief registration form*, for the club's insurance, and to introduce you to a few other members who will show you around and let you know what to expect poolside.

Your first session with Northern Wave is free and thereafter either £5.00 or for those earning less than the Living Wage, which for 2023/2024 is £12.00 per hour, £3.00. As a club run for its members by its members, we trust that everyone pays what is appropriate to their circumstances.

Please note that as a club we do not offer a learn to swim programme. We serve competent swimmers aged 18 years or over who want to improve their technique, train for fitness and/or compete in masters competitions. If you would like to know more about learning to swim in your area, we suggest you speak with your local leisure centre or visit the Swim England website.

Since the COVID pandemic, we only accept card/contactless payments at the door.

* You can also download the registration form here.


19:00 - 20:00

Abraham Moss Library & Leisure Centre

Crescent Road, Manchester M8 5UF

Our Monday session is open to all members. We swim in Pool 1 which is 25m long, with three lanes of coached swimming.

Abraham Moss Library & Leisure Centre is on Crescent Road in Crumpsall. It is well served by public transport and has plenty of free parking in the centre’s surface car park.

After entering the centre, you’ll find us in the reception area.

The centre has a single unisex changing room with private cubicles and communal and private showers. The lockers require a £1 coin or equivalent token, which is returned after use.


20:00 - 21:00

Moss Side Leisure Centre

Moss Lane East, Manchester M15 5NN

Our Tuesday session is typically our busiest and open to all members. We swim in the main pool, which is 25m long, with six lanes of coached and non-coached swimming.

Moss Side Leisure Centre is in Moss Side, just behind ASDA Hulme with the main entrance being on Hulme High Street. It is well served by public transport and has plenty of free parking in the car park underneath the centre, accessed from Moss Lane East via Denhill Road and Perrymead Close.

After entering the centre, you’ll find us in the reception area.

The centre has a single unisex changing room with private cubicles and communal and private showers. The lockers require a £1 coin or equivalent token, which is returned after use.


20:00 - 21:00

Hough End Leisure Centre

480 Princess Road, Manchester M20 1NA

Our Wednesday womxn session is dedicated to cis women, trans women and non-binary people in order to help aid participation in sport in a supportive, female environment. The pool is 25m long with six lanes of coached and non-coached swimming.

Hough End Leisure Centre is on the Princess Road side of Hough End Playing Fields. It is well served by public transport and has plenty of free parking in the centre’s surface car park.

After entering the centre you’ll find us at the tables beyond reception.

The centre has a single unisex changing room with private cubicles and communal and private showers. The lockers require a £1 coin or equivalent token, which is returned after use.


15:00 - 16:00

Manchester Aquatics Centre

2 Booth Street East, Manchester M13 9SS


Our Saturday session is open to all members. Normally, we swim in the training pool, but during phase 2 of the refurbishment of the centre we’ll be swimming in one of the pools in the main pool hall on the ground floor. The pools are 25m long and at least 2m deep end-to-end, with four or five lanes of coached and non-coached swimming.

Manchester Aquatics Centre is adjacent to Oxford Road opposite the RNCM. It is well served by public transport. There is limited free parking on some of the streets around the centre, paid parking in the multi-storey car park on the corner of Booth Street East and Upper Brook Street and some blue badge holder bays just outside the main entrance of the centre.

After entering the centre, you’ll find us in the reception or cafe area.

The centre’s main changing room (on the ground floor) is a single unisex changing room with private cubicles and communal showers. The lockers require a £1 coin or equivalent token, which is returned after use.

Accessible facilities at the venues

The venues we use offer fully accessible facilities. Please visit the websites of the venues to check out the accessible facilities on offer.

Abraham Moss Library & Leisure Centre
Moss Side Leisure Centre
Hough End Leisure Centre
Manchester Aquatics Centre

After our swim sessions, join us for a drink

Whether it's just to chat and catch up on the week behind us or the week ahead; or even to celebrate a birthday. On Tuesdays, we meet up after the session at the Molly House, Richmond Street in Manchester's Gay Village. On Wednesdays, we meet at The Nip & Tipple, 197 Upper Chorlton Road, Chorlton. On Saturdays, we meet at Sandbar, 120 Grosvenor Street.

Swim England

We believe in the safety of our members and safeguarding of our club so that it is always there as a safe, fun, accessible and inclusive LGBT+ swimming club. One of the ways that we do this is by registering all members with Swim England. Primarily, this is so that both you and the club are insured should the unexpected happen.

Membership of Swim England is mandatory for all members of the club and is renewable annually (in January).

The club will pay the Club Train** fees for members entitled to our concessionary rates and all new members in their first year.

** Swim England membership categories are explained on the Swim England website.

Standing orders

We believe in Northern Wave being an accessible and inclusive LGBT+ swimming club. One of the ways that we do that is by offering our members a payment option by standing order. So far, around half of regular members have chosen to pay in this way. When you choose to pay in this way it has two main benefits:

  • You save at least £3 (£2.50 if you're entitled to our concessionary rates) a month, compared to payments on the door.
  • By making a regular payment you help to secure the club’s future, by making a contribution even when you cannot be there.

To begin paying by standing order please contact treasurer@northernwave.org. Please include in the email your name and which nights you wish to set up a standing order for.